Today is the start of Anti-Bullying week (#AntiBullyingWeek) in the UK, or as my guest Adrian Bethune calls it, “it’s cool to be kind” week. Wednesday 13th November is Kindness Day. Adrian embodies kindness in his speaking, his writing and his everyday work. He is a teacher, the author of ‘Wellbeing in the Primary Classroom‘ and the […]
For Flourishing’s Sake Podcast | Episode 10 | Adele Bates – Dealing with Challenging Student Behaviour
What do you do when your students tell you to f*?# off? How do you handle challenging behaviour and not let it get you down? Managing and dealing with challenging student behaviour is not something we are often taught as teachers, yet if we don’t develop strategies, this can wear us down. That is what […]
For Flourishing’s Sake Podcast | Episode 9 | Gratitude
Welcome to episode nine. Today, I’m going to focus on a fundamental aspect of wellbeing: Gratitude. Last week, it was my youngest daughter’s 20th Birthday. I know what you’re thinking… I couldn’t possibly be old enough… Thank you, you’re too kind! But seriously, this Birthday was particularly important, because we are, as a family, so, […]